• Tropical Storm VAMCO reached the coasts of the provinces of Quang Nam (pop. 1.47 million) and Quang Ngai (pop. 1.24 million), central Vietnam, in the afternoon of 14 September (UTC). After the landfall it continued moving west, over Quang Nam province and southern Lao, where it weakened into a Tropical Depression. In the morning of 15 September it started moving over eastern Thailand, weakening into a Low Pressure System.
• On 13-15 September, heavy rains and strong winds affected several areas of central and southern Vietnam, as well as southern Lao PDR, north-western Cambodia and eastern Thailand.
• In Vietnam, media reported several flooded roads, power outages and a number of damaged homes in Quang Nam province, at least 30 houses damaged in Quang Binh province, and over 60 houses damaged in southern Vietnam, due to the recent heavy rains, floods and winds. There were no reports of people killed or injured in the local media.
• Over the next 24 h, heavy rains may still affect eastern and southern Thailand, and some areas of north-western Cambodia.
Sources: GDACS, JTWC, JMA, WMO, NOAA, NCHMF, DMHLAO, Cambodia Meteo, TMD.